Iftar Br. Asher

Hosted by Br. Asher and his group.

Iftar and Bazaar

All sales go to the masjid. Friday Iftar is hosted by brother Shaheed and his group. Saturday sister Zemka is hosting and her group.

Laylat Al-Qadr

Iftar and Bazar

All Bazaar sales go to the masjid. Iftar is hosted Friday by brother Shahed and Saturday by sister Zemka.

Sunday School Graduation

You are cordially invited to the Islamic School Graduation/Family Night for the 2014-2015 Class. The event is on May 23rd at 6:30 PM located at Masjid Al-noor. Program: Graduation Ceremony Islamic Sunday School Summer School- Information

Sedmična druženja u mjesecu Januaru

Sedmično druženje se održaje svake Subote poslije Akšam namaza pa sve do 6:15pm. Ko želi može donijeti nošto od hrane da podjeli sa ostalima. Nakon druženja je predavanje za žene i muškarce na bosanskom a po potrebi i na engleskom jeziku.