Daily Prayer Iqama: 10 min after Adhan
Jumma Khutbah Adhan: 12:50 – 12:55

Welcome to Al-Noor Islamic Center

Asalam Aleikum,

  • Welcome to our beloved Masjid! Please visit us, the masjid is open for fajr, maghrib, and isha prayers. For other times if no one is there we have an remote system for the door lock which you can ring and will reach out to one of the members who can remotely unlock for you.

  • We selected Munir Zahirovic from Bosnia to be our next imam inshAllah. Although there has been a delay in visa processing, we still look forward to his arrival, him leading our community, and teaching kids.

  • Please don’t block the entry or exit with your car. Truck drivers no trailers please, park on gravel before the mailbox on the right of the driveway.

  • Please visit our FaceBook page to see our past events and follow for any future events that get posted.

  • May Allah (SWT) keep us on the right path. Ameen

Student Activities

Waterloo/CF Weather
Sat, July 27, 2024
Icon Filled SVG 05:56 | Icon Filled SVG 20:34
Weather Icon Filled SVG
clear sky

Sun, 28.07

Icon Filled SVG 05:57
Icon Filled SVG 20:33
Weather Icon Filled SVG
light rain

Mon, 29.07

Icon Filled SVG 05:58
Icon Filled SVG 20:32
Weather Icon Filled SVG
heavy intensity rain

Tue, 30.07

Icon Filled SVG 05:59
Icon Filled SVG 20:31
Weather Icon Filled SVG
clear sky

Guidelines For Attending Masjid Al-Noor

Please, DO NOT Come to the Masjid IF you have fever, breathing issues, symptoms of Covid or any other contagious illness.

Friday Khutbah

Khutbah adhan starts at 12:55 PM on Friday.


